
Our founder, Renel Anderson, has been a speaker, panelist and think-tank contributor for many of these organizations, universities and other symposiums related to the education and advancement of biochar and sound environmental practices. She carries the message of sustainability, tangible methods to combating climate change as well as the vast agricultural and environmental benefits of the manufacturing and implementation of biochar. She stays on the forefront of the newest innovations and advancements of this rapidly adopted technology. 


USBIUS Biochar Initiative is a not-for-profit organization promoting sustainable production & use of biochar with research, policy, technology & business.  USBI holds an annual symposium, gathering top researchers,  scientists, producers & politicians to discuss latest in biochar news, policy-making, business & technology.  Our President, Renel Anderson, presented at USBI's  "Harvesting Hope" - UMass Amherst, '13


Climate Solutions, based in Seattle, Washington is a dynamic regional and national leader in developing solutions to climate change by building a thriving clean energy economy.  Its organization supports biocarbon initiatives, blue carbon, ethical forestry and greener communities.  Biochar Supreme, LLC is an active participant in The Northwest Biocarbon Initiative and affiliated closely with its research and leadership. 


The International Biochar Initiative is a large resource for connecting international researchers, businesses, farmers, engineers and consultants, playing an active role spearheading biochar initiatives. The IBI is a rich resource for scholastic publications on the topics of biochar - covering topics such as agricultural and economic gains, carbon credits, and environmental solutions. Biochar Supreme, LLC is a proud supporter of the IBI


Ecological Landscaping AssociationThe Ecological Landscaping Association advocates for ethical and responsible land use and educates in green methods landscaping and horticulture.  Based in Massachusetts, ELA supports eco-friendly methods of landscaping, golf courses, bioswales, gardens and parks. Biochar is rapidly gaining traction in landscaping, permaculture and turf management. Our Black Owl Biochar for Agriculture & Horticulture is an ideal product for landscaping. 


The Tilth Producers of Washington, established in 1974, is a leading advocate for sustainable and chemical-free farming and food. The organization educates farmers about new research and policy organic agriculture and horticulture.  Biochar Supreme, LLC sponsored the 2013 conference in Yakima, WA. educating farmers on the huge benefits of adding biochar - producing greater yields, healthier plants, better composting and large water savings. 


The US Composting Council sets high composting standards, expands markets and advances education.  It conducts research on the best methods for healthy composting.  A  2013 report by Washington State University & the Department of Ecology, concluded biochar with properties like Black Owl Biochar Environmental Ultra, is ideal for accelerating composting, reducing odors & creating a value-added compost.  Here is an abridged version of the study.  


Sustainable Connections is a thriving organization in Whatcom County, WA. that supports local meaningful jobs, diverse business and involved citizens with a commitment to decreasing negative impacts on our water, forests and air.  Biochar Supreme, LLC is a member of this organization as well as a participant in its annual Farm Tour and Green Building Symposium.  



The Washington State Nursery & Landscape Association is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting the success of its members through serving, promoting, representing and educating the horticultural community of Washington State.  We strive to continually stay ahead of the curve in landscaping technologies and have been members of this organization for many years.   



Oregon Association of NurseriesThe Oregon Association of Nurseries, based out of Wilsonville, OR is an association representing nursery stock producers, retailers, landscapers and related companies.  The association represents climate-friendly nurseries in the pacific northwest, issues newsletters on relevant topics. Very similar to its sister the Washington State Nursery & Landscape Association, it's a non-profit with the goal of educating the horticulture community of the latest greenest technologies.


American Chemical SocietyThe American Chemical Society, is a non-profit scientific society supporting scientific inquiry in the field of chemistry.  Founded at New York University in 1876, the ACS now enjoys more than 161K members at all degree levels in the various fields of chemistry. The ACS is the world's largest scientific society and one of the leading sources of authoritative scientific information. The ACS also publishes vast peer reviewed, scholarly articles. 


San Juan County Agricultural ResourcesThe San Juan Islands Agricultural Network an independent entity, has an mission to foster sustainable agriculture in San Juan County. The organization leads workshops such as "farm-to-schools", biochar production and supports economic development of local organic agriculture.  At its 2014 Summit, our president, Renel Anderson was a biochar keynote speaker at its 2-Day workshop.



Northwest Environmental Business CouncilThe Northwest Environmental Business Council (NEBC) is a leading representative in the Pacific Northwest in supporting service and technology partners and colleagues with the goal in protecting, restoring and sustaining the environment.




Nooksack Salmon Enhancement ProgramThe Nooksack Salmon Enhancement Association is a community based nonprofit dedicated to restoring wild salmon populations in Whatcom County. The NSEA has been successfully restoring fresh water salmon habitats since 1990 through clean-up, monitoring and education 

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